PIC16 vs. AVR – Which Microcontroller Has Better Interrupt Capabilities

February 14, 2022

PIC16 vs. AVR – Which Microcontroller Has Better Interrupt Capabilities

Interrupts are an essential part of microcontroller programming. They help the system handle multiple tasks efficiently, by pausing current activity and initiating a new one in response to a specific event. PIC16 and AVR are two of the most popular microcontroller families used today, and both have great interrupt capabilities. But which microcontroller is better when it comes to interrupt handling? Let's take a look at a few key factors and decide for ourselves.

Interrupt Types

PIC16 and AVR microcontrollers both support different types of interrupts. The most common types of interrupts that both microcontrollers can handle include external, timer, and hardware interrupts. However, AVR microcontrollers support additional interrupts such as software interrupts, touch sense interrupts, and brown-out detection interrupts. These extra types of interrupts may come in handy for certain applications, giving AVR microcontrollers an edge over PIC16.

Interrupt Latency

Interrupt latency is the time taken to pause the current activity and process the interrupt request. PIC16 and AVR have different interrupt latency values, and this can affect the performance of a system. PIC16 microcontrollers have a typical latency of 5 or 6 clock cycles, while AVR microcontrollers have a latency of just 1 clock cycle for most interrupts. This makes AVR microcontrollers faster and more efficient when it comes to interrupt handling.

Interrupt Priority

Interrupt priority allows the system to decide which interrupt it should handle first when several interrupts are triggered simultaneously. Both PIC16 and AVR microcontrollers support multiple interrupt priority levels. However, the number of priority levels is much higher in AVR microcontrollers, allowing for finer control. This makes AVR microcontrollers more suitable for complex systems where different interrupts must be prioritized and handled accordingly.


In conclusion, both PIC16 and AVR microcontrollers have great interrupt capabilities. However, AVR microcontrollers are faster, more efficient, and offer finer control over interrupt handling due to their extra types of interrupts, lower interrupt latency, and higher number of priority levels. Therefore, if you are building a complex system that requires precise interrupt handling, an AVR microcontroller would be a better choice.


  1. PIC16 Family
  2. AVR Family
  3. Interrupts on the AVR Platform

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